Sunday, May 14, 2006

Nothing Compares !!!

It's not the rain . It's not the fact that I've driven for four hours . Its not the out of order DSL connection ( Miss Vixen had that problem resolved with the management in no time ).It's not the knowledge that a bedroom on this floor has a bees nest by the bed ..........
No.It is because I have been in paradise. After that 'nothing compares'
Galway is bigger now and so is Salthill. It's too built up for me and lacks romance, passion and solitude ( yes those two latter adjectives can go together ).
Berlin is my city .........When in busy places I find myself comparing and rarely favourably .
That is why Inchydoney was so special . It was unique and there I will return .
Galway is a sort of Irish Blackpool .. It will be amusing rain or sun and yes right now we do have rain . But come Wednesday morning there will be no sad feelings on departing from here .
Or will there ? I could be wrong .. Let's see .......

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