Friday, May 19, 2006

Miss Vixen is back in Berlin .

This particular vixen arrived home shortly before midnight last night .
LHR lived up to it's usual chaos with delays galore . Still ,having stretched out on an extremely comfy sofa drinking champagne and eating delicious food brought for me by the waitress .... I was not complaining .
The BA First Class Lounge is all that makes this airport bearable !!
As usual the special 'buzz' coming in to land at TXL . Efficiency greeted the flight and soon a taxi was whisking me home .
No unpacking . Under the covers and slept with lovely dreams ......................
Today the sun has shone . The gardens are a mass of flowers and the greenery a match for Ireland .
I'm thinking coats and am delighted to report that a letter awaited me from my furrier. New designs it seems are on the way..

Now for today's Green Tea Tip .

E is for E.G.C.G. This powerful antioxidant present in green tea inhibits the growth of cancer cells .

After Guinness, Gin and Tonic and Champagne I really do need some convincing.
That particular alcoholic trinity are hard to beat !

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