Monday, January 22, 2007

Miss Vixen feels angry .

Berlin has, what is probably the best public transport service in the world .Round the clock , punctual and well priced ,it makes life easy . So why am I angry ?
When I first came to live here what struck me was the lack of vandalism .
Here are three shots taken today in the S Bahn.
LEFT) We see a superman type with his message which reads:-
"hey fingers off the glass, then you'll get a better view. Anyway each repair contributes to ticket price increases .Extremely UNCOOL ."
Directed at:-
CENTRE) The scratching which one now sees on most windows .
RIGHT) A typical youth today. Here he sits with his filthy dirt shoes on the seat .
No doubt he's mother's pride and joy . That being said we can but hope it's her coat that is dirtied by sitting on that seat .
On leaving the train I gave our uncool specimen a very withering look .Guess what ? He moved those feet !

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