Tuesday, November 09, 2010

CanCan The Offenbach Way The Only Way.

Today I experienced an amazing "chain reaction" .NB The word CAN is embedded within CHAIN. Think Cancan .
RTE Lyric fm Ireland played this piece of music by Offenbach. Not only is it wonderful,but for me ,very special in as much as it brings back memories of dancing to it just for sheer fun. In flooding over me ,guess what, I had found my motivator.
Following an unfortunate accident in August , knee surgery is no longer an option, it's a must to be faced. My resolve is to face the knife , then the music and DANCE . It will be sometime next year folks but I make a promise that as soon as one foxylady is able she'll be filmed dancing to this very piece. Shame I gave my can can boots away but when the time is ready a new pair will be a must buy .On this note I say to all :-
"I could cancan , I will cancan ,I can cancan "
Special thanks to Lyric RTE fm , 'jamirocuay' of YouTube who posted this little video and allowed embedding , but most of all Jacques Offenbach !

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