It's Thursday midday and I'm in the B A lounge at Istanbul Airport. It seems so very cool and extremely tranquil after the city.
My journey here was excellent and made all the more pleasurable by an extremely animated conversation (in German) with the taxi driver.
No we didn't discuss fur coats or boots for that in a roundabout manner. Our topic ?
What else........ The World Cup ! Unity through sport.
The airport is extremely well run and has a level of cleanliness throughout that a rather large, similar establishment in London could do well to emulate.
So what are my views re Istanbul?
First of all Huxley is spot on with his words. It has been a constant round of interaction and I have met and shared time with some fascinating people. Add to this numerous examples of kindness, humanity and yes, once again those politicians who seek to brain wash us through fear via all forms of mistrust are proven to be the only real danger we have to guard against.
People are the currency of this world. So I was wealthy in my encounters:-
a) one young lady from Iran here to get a Visa as she has been awarded a scholarship at an American university was in tears.It wasn't so much the refusal but the degradation and treatment she had endured at the hands of some power crazed official at the American Consulate.
b) another young lady a Doctor from Baghdad was making a professional visit. She has now been sent by her parents to Jordan as the situation at home is too terrible. Daily death tolls are staggering, women's freedoms have been curtailed. She was ecstatic to learn of my experiences in her home land. We will remain in contact and hopefully meet again.
c) a fantastic young lady recently arrived from UK with her husband . She and I got talking in a coffee shop. Only hours later did we get back to where we began .I had been able to show her how great the bus system here is and we'd done a whistle stop tour of the Blue Mosque and Grand Bazaar.
d) a former teaching colleague and friend , not seen in a long time .Being together again was as if time had stood still.
Always good at languages she now speaks Turkish. Meeting her partner and seeing how happy she is with him and visa versa was great.
e) a lady who showed me how to use the bus system , gave me tickets . The following day both of us went on a ferry to the Black sea. Her English was excellent as was her humour.
These are but a few of my encounters . There have been many more.
Miss Vixen is not just a femme fatal you see. She is involved and engaged in the world and in human rights .
She is of the opinion that the more discussion there is between us , the public ,the greater the hope for our world .
Yes ..... it is OUR world . All of us . It doesn't belong to a handful of politicians nor to one major power.
About Istanbul itself ? May be more later.