Wednesday, July 09, 2008


Last Sunday a mystery drive was the order of the day. Miles of amazing countryside . Certainly no overcrowding problems here. Then Boussac . A typical French village/ town this place has so much . Most enjoyable was the chateau seen here. A fascinating place to visit and yes, there is a tour guide in English . George Sand used to stay here . The single bed is hers .Indeed as is the commode ! Then you can see the Bishops bed . ( Made me think of the Father Ted series) Many of the household items bore a fox as this had been a family crest . Whilst waiting to go round we enjoyed an exhibition of tapestries made in Aubusson and exquisitely hand painted gourdes . My favourite is to be seen twice in this collage .Of course it depicts a fox . However at €480 it was a tad expensive for this foxy lady.

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