Tuesday, July 29, 2008

An ABC Of Music .. Well Almost.

In spite of my restricted movement ,this last weekend found me taken to several fantastic musical events .
As one who resides in Berlin ,where culture is nonstop, I have to report that the same can be said of here. Yes here in the very middle of France where fields and animals appear to outnumber humans .Read the local papers and what do you discover but a plethora of events .
On Thursday in Toulx-Sainte-Crox there was a harpsichord concert held in the tiniest church ever . Encores were very much in demand and the soloist Etienne Leuridan obliged .Brilliant.
Friday there was an entire evening of music and fun in the delightful village of Saint Fargeol. Click on this link to witness some of the talent.[Album for 25th]
With good food and wine it proved fantastic and went on until 2am !
Then on the Saturday off again to an accordion concert in Boussac where an amazing young French man ,one Alexandre Peigne delighted a packed church with a programme of classical works . Here you see him with a fabulous Russian accordion . Afterwards there was a super little party held in a nearby hall .
TV who needs it ? Therapy for injured knees .. Excellent .

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