Saturday, June 02, 2007


No Way To Behave !

As I expected , the usual group of 'two legged cockroaches ' emerged to turn a peaceful demo into a battle ground ! These cowards, ( who hide behind masks ) make me sick . There is no knowing who they are and what exactly they seek to achieve .
I was asked to go but declined . Much as I am anti G8, I am against violence .
My first wish for the G8 is that instead of the members behaving like pseudo monarchy, demanding the finest ( at our expense ), they were made to have each meeting on a Military base . Imagine , they could eat with soldiers , stay in soldier's quarters and get on with the job. No need then for all the extra police since as we all know ,military bases are extremely secure . If such is good enough for service personnel, I'm positive it's sufficient for Blair and co .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's an awesome idea you have there Miss Vixen. Nice one