Sunday, June 10, 2007

A chance for Cheri to make good !

I read that the Church of England is engaged in a row with Sony .
This giant cooperation has made yet another violent pc game, (hey what happened to the promised controls? )- and have used images of the interior of Manchester Cathedral .
This is not only a liberty , it's disrespectful and tasteless. Imagine the scenario had they involved a well know Mosque, Islamic Shrine or Synagogue.We'd have Tony bleating and Cheri all set for court at tax payers expense . Not to mention riots in the streets.
Miss Vixen says,OK Cheri here's a chance to do something .Represent the Church of England in court. So you're RC ,but your husband isn't. Do something for the country which has allowed you to live like a royal.............
Somehow though ,I don't envisage this happening . What's that you say ?
"Could mean a loss of freebies for the family."

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