Sunday, March 25, 2007

Liar , Liar .... Pants On Fire !

So Mr Blair ( sorry Bliar ) you stated that the marines taken by the Iranians as trespassing in their waters were not where they shouldn't be .
In so doing you have just given the game away . They must have been ! For it is a fact universally acknowledged that :-
You are a prize liar . You and your buddy ( no Master ), G W Bush have a massive naval build up in the Gulf . That aforementioned clown of a President thinks it was fine for his country to take Iranian diplomats hostage .
Errr are we back to the white , Caucasian , christian club again ? Sure looks like it .
By the way Mr Bliar .Yes I do mean Bliar . You certainly caused a bad smell in this city over the weekend and security measures just for you , made our simple ordinary lives a bit of a hell .
Why don't you try living with the risks Mr Bliar . If people don't like you ask why .
So much of the misery today is all down to you and your boss .Yes I mean Bush .
Get real , quit freeloading and quit British politics . You have brought nothing but shame on that country .
ps) It was the 50th anniversary of the EU .A gravy train for Euro MP's and their like . We had roads empty of buses and long walks all due to security gone mad . Reason ....... Blair was amongst the guests . Over head helicopters hovered the entire time .Not sure about being at a party . It felt more like a stage set of 1984 coupled with Animal Farm . The "pigs" were having a lush time believe me.

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