Saturday, September 30, 2006

Cheers for Chavez !

It's the last day of September and reflecting on the month I think of what has most impressed me.
Well my own energy at sorting out a party , cooking , and getting the apartment ready for the event. As a one who abhors house work I amazed myself.
The book ,The Lemon Tree by Sandy Tolan . True ,tragic and calculated to make the most apathetic person realize a need to engage in more solidarity work and not to keep being fobbed off by those who say "ah but you see it's too complex "
But for sheer brilliance and courage I refer to the UN when the President of Venezuela had the courage to say what most of the world thinks but, dare not voice .
Unlike others, Chavez is neither financial slave or puppet .
Speaking on 20th September at the UN ,Chavez likened Bush to the devil and went on to say :-
"Yesterday, ladies and gentlemen, from this rostrum, the president of the United States, the gentleman to whom I refer as the devil, came here, talking as if he owned the world." Chavez also said that President Bush "... came [to the General Assembly] to share his nostrums to try to preserve the current pattern of domination, exploitation and pillage of the peoples of the world " Chavez then added ,"the American Empire is doing all it can to consolidate it's system of domination and we cannot allow that .We cannot allow the world dictatorship to be consolidated " This speech was received with sustained applause except by Americans who as usual cannot take any criticism.
What I found amusing were the words of Nancy Pelosi, an American Democrat and ardent critic of Bush . With true ,ghastly ,US patriotic zeal she did a turnabout and referred to President Chavez as "an everyday thug "
As one coming from a land which is now best described as the "Fourth Reich " ,headed by the worlds biggest bully , she has to be joking .
Or is she like the Germans of old who were too afraid to speak out re Hitler ? One wonders .
Yes President Hugo Chavez .. you are the star of Miss Vixen's month . Thank you .

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