Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I am in good company.

In an earlier post entitled "September" ,I expressed bewilderment as to how any one could engage in the weapons industry ,be they dealers/ manauacturers / shippers /users.
Later in discussion I went further saying that, as a woman I could never have a sexual relationship with any man who was involved in such work.
There are a few who consider my point of view extreme whilst some are of the opinion that a fur loving sensual woman should not bother her head .
The lady depicted above did and if you look up Lysistrata on Google you will find many entries .ncient Greek comedy ,she rallied all women to impose a sexstrike until men stopped fighting and waging war..(Reader note this play was written in 411BC ! )
Lysistrata herself was beautiful, sensuous ,intelligent and also had humour.
Her plan worked and although intially , she had a difficult time rallying the women, she never gave up .
Sound like some one you know ?
In the original play all actors playing the main male roles strode around the stage with rather large stiff leather phalluses strapped on .
Now if you forgive the pun ...'that's making the point '.
Yes we women do have a lot of power and this has the potential to beat any amount of armaments .
Our side effects are much pleasanter too ... To any in doubt read Lysistrata.
I feel I am in good company .

note :- do click to enlarge the picture . The Freudian touches are wonderful .

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