Germany is a fantastic country but when it comes to data protection and food scandals it leaves much to be desired .
The Dioxcin affair due to feed supplemented with diesel deratives ( not the 1st such event here ) broke right at Christmas .Since the German word for poison is 'gift', it was not really in the spirit . Cancer can result from eating such damaged produce but as we know is slow to manifest itself . Eggs were not cleared from shelves in Berlin . The attitude was total complacency. Asking where produce came from in the shops brought no joy as they themselves had little information . The source of this awful and unlawful animal feed was Northern Germany .What punishments have been handed out to the firm responsible ? To this date none of us really know what the status quo is and I for one have eaten neither chicken nor eggs here since then .
Now we have ecoli and yes it too is terrible .Unlike Cancer the symptoms are rapid . What's more it has originated in Northern Germany .Fingers were pointed overseas and a ban made . Cucumbers have been blamed, bean sprouts etc .
I ponder the following .
Summer here has been extremely hot for weeks . Lots of ice cream and cream products many of which contain eggs .. Just a thought . Then scoops used in icecream parlours are often put in a container of water .Once this gets warm all sorts can take place .
I hope for the country , the people and the decent food producers that an answer is found soon. Pointing fingers overseas is not the solution. Germany needs to stop the data protection and put producers of dangerous animal feeds behind bars .
note ) last week I went for two filled baguettes .The lady informed me that no salad was allowed . ( this even after Spain was cleared ) I said no problem cheese alone was fine .What did I get ? cheese, yes but in place of any salad - egg ! Dual standards for sure. As for me, I removed the egg.