Greetings from Berlin . I'm all set to catch a train bound for France but have to take time to enclose the following from The Orange Campaign.. Expelled from Hong Kong ! Hmmm so it seems that 'bully boys' in China are trying to control colour .
Here is the latest from The Orange Team.Do check out the link
'We have been in Hong Kong but were expelled and are now back in Denmark, see the press release below.*Apparently China is trying to stop the divulgation of TheColorOrange idea, but so far it is not very successful as the expulsion from Hong Kong has only given the orange idea even more publicity and attention by the media.*The Chinese Democracy Movement in Hong Kong is taking over the project of painting the 8 meter tall “Pillar of Shame”-sculpture orange on 30th April.*We encourage you to support the project by tearing up orange pieces of cloth and tie them to sculptures in the city where you live, and in that way manifest the use of Orange and give moral support to the endeavour of the Chinese Democracy Movement.*If the orange cloth stays tied to the sculptures until the Olympic Games, it will be a good visual reminder of the Human Rights issue in China.'
None of this is violent . What a pity the same cannot be same for those who abuse human rights . Two more points .
1) a friend and I have noted so much more orange is being worn and sported . Great !
2) here's a quotation ideal for governments who seek to take from others and distort freedom.
'The earth is the mother of all people , and all people should have equal rights upon it.'
Chief Joseph .