Monday, December 25, 2006

Wise men ? Not in Christianity !

Having checked my email I saw the following headline .
' Christmas sermons urge peace in the Middle east but violence rages on. '
Why ,I ask should Christian sermons suddenly get so vocal and expect attention.
Where were their voices over three years ago ? Very silent, as indeed they were this summer .
In the words of the well known song adopted for demoes :-
"Who let the dogs out " response "Bush, Bush and Blair"
We need more than three wise men and they won't be found in the UN or for that matter any Christian HQ.

PS worthy of note . Iraq was once a land where all co existed and Christians were not in fear. The former Deputy was Coptic faith .
As I read the above headline I also studied a report from Iraq . Christians are mourning the former times . Celebration is now low key and kept secret .Note that George as you make your showy prayers each day ! You compare well with Herod .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Taken time but want to say thanks .
You give us the works at times .
Great pictures and smart lady .