After the Baker report, many losses in the elections , and scathing remarks by the outgoing UN secretary, G W Bush is floundering as to what to do .
The following is the latest 'gem' from the world's number 1 warmonger :-
He defines success in Iraq as "a country that governs, defends itself, that is a free society, that serves as an ally in this war on terror."
Well sorry George but prior to your onslaught when you bombed Iraq bigtime , it was doing just that .
It was at your dictate that Saddam Hussein released all prisoners . BIG MISTAKE !
He didn't like insurgents either. Hence they were doing time ... Rather akin to your stance over terrorists ..Is Guantanamo Bay any different ?
You can call Saddam Hussein a dictator as much as you like but tell me, since when was President Mushareff freely elected ? Not to mention your friends in Saudi Arabia .
In short George ,you blew it . In order to get your hands on oil and in so doing control world prices , you lied , broke all the rules of the Geneva Convention and as a result are responsible for the deaths of hundreds and thousands .
Mind you ,looking at your record for sending people to death row you aren't the sort to lose any sleep over such .
I was in Iraq with a group of Germans ,prior to your invasion . The people were terrific . It was safe to walk the streets at night . They were living a secular life . A life you , yes you, have ruined . As Koffi Annan said these individuals were better off under Saddam Hussein !
Ask Laura to tell you about Pandora's Box . You see you didn't just open it . You smashed it . Now please read these words .