Monday, November 13, 2006

Surprise ? -- No, no surprise .

A market research institute in Leipzig has discovered the following :-
Forty seven percent of people questioned consider that George W Bush is the biggest threat to world peace .
Twenty percent think Osama Bin Laden,
Twelve percent Kim Jong Il.( North Korea )
Eleven percent Mahmud Ahmadinedschad ( Iran )
Two percent Hassan Nasrallah ( Hezbollah)

Maybe it's easier for Germans to spot some one who is akin to a very nasty figure in their own history .
I am not a German but when I see the ranting and raving of the Bush regime and note how far they have already gone in destroying liberty I feel that the world is slowly but surely coming under the control of a fourth Reich .
The third Reich was evil . Make no mistake so is this !.

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