Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Being an ex pat entails missing certain items peculiar to your home land . This can range from food to clothes, furniture to gardens .The list is endless.
I have yearned for bacon with an intesity akin to that of the cravings of a pregnant woman.
Fish and Chips, whilst certain well known Super market chains have taken on the importance of a Shrine.
I am through my craving stages now so who knows maybe I have ceased to be British ! Or it could have been the Kippers.
It all began in the Lenten season a couple of years back with a well known British Paper ,famous for it Sunday Supplement .
Reader take note , I no longer take this publication ...
On that particular week the double spread was given over to smoked fish , suppliers of such and recipes .
Yellow Haddock , is impossible to find here as are Kippers . Within minutes my mouth was watering and I was determined . One or both would be mine .
Monday I was making calls to Britain like a woman possessed .
Suppliers were helpful but all of the opinion that the Postal Service( an institution I had never missed ) would not be up to the task in hand .
One firm was willing to deal with a German store, so with an amazing energy I was ready up and down there .
This particlar establishment is courtesy itself and the manager of the food department was more than willing to place an order for six pairs of Kipper fillets . I was overjoyed !
In a matter of days came the awaited call announcing delivery of my kippers . Never have I moved so fast .
My joy was soon to turn to horror . The six pair were in reality------ twenty six .
Short of having my own Sermon on the Mount what was I to do ? Also where to store ? My fridge had such a tiny freezer , already full.
A good friend came to the rescue . She had just bought a space age type fridge and having a gallaxy of space she offered it up for Kipper Storage .
My appetite for Kippers had gone ... never to return .
What did I do with them ?
Instead of giving Easter Eggs that year , I gave Kippers with instructions on to how to cook.
Everyone thought it was a clever idea .. Would I ever be getting more ?
What did I think ?
That Sunday supplements are best avoided and that staying with the delights of your adoptive land is much easier .
Berlin has plenty and this Easter it will be Marzipan Eggs and delicious chocolate as usual .
I never have found the Yellow Haddock but no longer yearn . Last week whilst visiting England I walked past a Fishmongers. In the window was a display to tempt .
Yellow Haddock , the lot !
Kippers I murmured as with a smile I recalled and kept on walking .

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