Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Smooth Way To Start The Day .

Strawberries are cheap , fresh, seasonal and of course extremely healthy .
Pineapples from Costa Rica are cheap , superb quality and also loaded with goodness.
Eaten in a salad or dessert both fruits give zing and colour to any meal.They also make smoothies. Here you see two .
The simplest I've called 'You Are My Sunshine'. Chopped pineapple in the blender and voila two large glasses of super smoothie from just half a pineapple (cost of one whole fruit 1,48€) Later today I created a strawberry smoothie using 300gm of such .Added to this was a shot of Pineapple Smoothie poured on top .Watching the red and yellow merge looked akin to the sun , hence the name 'Solar Energy ' This is my breakfast drink chilling in the fridge .
*one thing I've tried is making strawberry smoothie cubes and pineapple smoothie cubes. If successful one of these in a glass of sparkling wine should be interesting and healthy.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Supermoon,Peregrine Moon 2013

Once again I live up to my nickname , Ms Moon .
A Supermoon and a Summer Solstice rendered me a veritable 'Lunar-tic'  Yes I know the spelling is odd . My sanity is not in question, I simply never weary of all things Lunar ...and Lumix 

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Summer Solstice Berlin 21st June 2013

Not filmed from Teufelsberg as I would have loved, but even so it was fun.This day is always special so Berlin's clear skies were perfect.To view the sun and the moon together was as good as any birthday treat .

Friday, June 21, 2013

Red For A Red Hot Day .

The weather has been 'red hot' with temperatures in the mid thirties. That's not too awful but the humidity is the horror. To get through one simply has to enjoy the vibrant colours  all around hence yesterday I named my 'red day'. Beautiful flowers near to Lietzensee caught my eye so in return the TZ31 captured them.  Later, strawberry shopping .This is the only time I enjoy this fruit and cherries as it's the season. Each year these delightful booths appear all over the city to sell locally grown produce. Perfect with a salad , in a smoothie , for breakfast  and at  2,95€ for 500 gm a very healthy bargain .
Today is the Summer Solstice .Apt therefore that the sculpture in the middle of the flower bed is called 'beginning and end' . Enjoy this the longest day .
Note )
The Solstice isn't the only celestial event this week.The 2013 super moon is due to peak June 22-23 and we should see a very large, bright moon. My TZ31 has plans and I pray for clear skies. Imagine sitting out filming eating luscious strawberries under the Berlin sky. Good medicine.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Another Date For Your Diary

Yet another entertainment tip. Music, food, drink, and fun.
For a'taste' see my links and hear what this group have to offer .

Sunday, June 02, 2013

Comedy in English - Berlin

Laughter is the best medicine and Berlin can deliver'the best' in both languages .
For a taste of some great comedians try the English Theatre at Fidicinstraße 40.
Once a month a superb show is guaranteed and for 8€ you are sure to come away smiling. I was there on Saturday and once again had a great evening . Having taken these shots I asked if it would be possible to share here and on You Tube .With the thumbs ups here I go.  Note, there's now a link where you can always check out their calendar.
Tucked away in Fidicinstraße this is a really cosy theatre with a great bar too.