Thursday, August 28, 2008

Orange Orange,Still.Alive.

Please do try and look at the following from The Orange Campaign .
It's a very objective account of the action taken to draw attention to the abuse of human rights in relation to the most inappropriately hosted Olympic Games ever . Plus ,those fickle fellows of the media get some mention. Important point to all ,Orange will be kept as a symbol and all are encouraged not to forget Tibet . I for one would like to invite you to view us a team .A team going for Gold . Our gold being the rights of all Tibetans and that the Dalai Llama be recognized .One never wins by giving up !

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

All Creatures Great and Small.

When each day brings so much to see it's best viewed as Nature's Lottery and yes, I just keep winning .Actually anyone can ,if, that is ,they keep their eyes open.
A bat has been successfully 'captured' on cam and today a young eagle was spotted sunning himself on a bridge. He allowed this photo to be taken minus zoom. Yes, right beside him. Later, sitting by a lake what should swoop down but the heron you see. Across the water scudded water boatmen,and above darted dragonflies. Don't know what you think but in all of these creatures lies the beauty of our planet . That shiny black beetle looked like jet . Simply beautiful !

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Mrs Tiggy-Winkle in France .......?

A brief encounter between Ms V and Mrs Tiggy-Winkle .... maybe ?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Return Of The Cabbage Patch Doll.

Whoever could have visualized such a chic creation ? Or is it a question of going green ?

To tell the truth it's neither,but believe me when I say this really is a case of 'truth being stranger than fiction .'

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Let Him Who Is Without Sin .....

This has to be the joke of the week , if not the year !
His ' Holiness and Righteousness ,G W Bush is planning to go on air and take Russia to task for invading it's neighbour. Seems our George deems such an act to be "completely unacceptable to the free nations of the world".
Sorry George , your invasion of Iraq , based as it was on lies , fabrications and greed, renders you the very last person to condemn this atrocity . Come on Bible Boy , remember those words, " Let him who is without sin cast the first stone "
So G W B roughly translated by a somewhat down to earth Mancunian female ,that means , " shut it ."

ps) Hey George, note you enjoyed your freebie time in China minus one word to those Tibet occupying Chinese ! A selective coward as well eh ?

Friday, August 15, 2008

No Regrets---- Not For Miss Vixen .

Today Evaux Les Bains had a fantastic festival ...Antiques, bric a brac , flea market , call it what you like . The entire town was buzzing and alive . Music , food , wine , all kinds of bread and cakes , each street provided more . Paradise for yours truly . Here's a funny little collage in which I was tempted by yet another bike ! Hmm rustic or rusty ? In my hand is a delightful little spice jar ,a present from the lady you see me pictured with . It's not often one gets to speak German here but she was fluent in ´'Deutsch and English '. Staying way out in the country a real chamber pot was a crazy must get .So I got ! As for the little video .This guy was Mr Happy Plus . So much so he even granted my wish by playing 'No Regrets ' . I have none for joining in with singing. My voice is hardly akin to that of 'The Little Sparrow ' . So it's , Little Vix signing off with 'Non je ne regrette rien.....'

ps ) I was given yet another present ... A book all about Saint Bernadette.

You see , each day is full of miracles , if we but look .

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Sound Of Moo-sic.

After the wonders of Lourdes I'm back on a bike and training . Way off my former standard but getting there. The circuit is through wonderful countryside where many fields have herds of creamy white cows , special to this region . Yesterday I stopped to imitate them and make a sort of 'moosical aria ' . The result was spectacular . Some herds actually galloped to get to me . At each field they came and jostled for front row places . Maybe the EU will find a place for 'a cow whisperer' .
Meanwhile this is Vache donna Vixen signing off---- my fan club is waiting .

Monday, August 11, 2008

The Sunshine Of My Life.

We all need sunshine in our lives and here you see mine. Sunflowers , huge yet graceful and a colour that can lift my spirits no matter what . Yesterday coming back from Charroux field after field of these amazing flowers was seen and my joy was complete .

Thursday, August 07, 2008

The Wonder Which Is Lourdes.

If you've read earlier posts you’ll be aware that I recently suffered a very bad accident . This left me extremely immobile and with some nasty bone damage to my left knee. Thus it was , last Saturday ,with a degree of fear and trepidation I left Limoges on a special train bound for Lourdes .
This was organized by the diocese of Limoges . Five hundred participants all French and no English speakers .Guess who is hopeless in French ! At first it wasn't easy but one adapts and the beautiful part of the Catholic faith is that it is Universal . I’ll be honest I was seeking a miracle and am happy tell you I was blessed with such . In Lourdes , each day brought more improvement. Look at the collage and you'll spot the differences . It’s all to easy to knock Christianity since it’s such a passive believe. In Lourdes there is a wealth of love, joy , humanity and faith . This, as we are aware moves mountains .

ps ) Lourdes is open to all irrespective of their beliefs . Tolerance at it's best .