Friday, August 17, 2007

Have you seen this armband ?

Sex and the City fans will recall how upset Carrie is when she loses her little necklace . Of little commercial value it means more to her than a substitute with diamonds. Ah, but as in all good stories hers is found and Mr Big returns NOT BAD eh.
I too have lost a 'no commercial value' bracelet . You can see this here in my picture .Indeed it's been in all shots. Made for me by a Tibetan refugee at Norbulingka Institute in Northern India , I can honestly say it meant as much as my Chilango. Like Carrie I feel lost without it.
Yesterday a wasp crawled inside my jacket sleeve , stinging my lower arm. Ripping my jacket off it appears I also pulled the little bracelet off. Where it is , nobody knows .

So often people would ask me what it was and it gave me a chance to tell of the exiled Tibetans . So now minus bracelet yes , here I go again .Look at

Tibetans deserve our support . Today found me on the phone to India . I hope to purchase one . The original was extra special . If any one finds it I'm in Berlin .............and let us not forget the Tibetans especially as the Olympic Games ( held in China, draws ever nearer).

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