After a great flight I am now on the train en route to Gothenburg. From the window one sees snow, snow and yes, more snow . As we speed along the amount increases. .Whoopee thinks Miss Vixen .
Agriculture seems to be the thing here … farmhouses dotted cross a landscape broken
only by windbreaks .The enclosed pictures give an idea . In some places the drifts along the embankments are quite deep . .
Surrounding the stations are industrial complexes . Like ‘boils ‘ upon the surface they are soon lost to a more rural scene..
At the airport long check in queues marked the flights for sunnier climes.
Yet I for one am enamoured by the cold , forbidding sky and leafless trees . It is after all the season of Persephone … Yes ,winter Something we are coming to realize is a season now at risk . I for one hope we save it ..
Until later