Saturday, May 26, 2007

Carnival of Culture 2007.

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Today we went to the Carnival of Culture and , in sweltering heat, walked miles enjoying that which the Germans do well --- street festivals .This annual, four day event is always fun.There's food and drink from all lands , music ,dance, clothing. You name it , it's to be found. Even politics (See 2nd row 2nd from left.)A petition by Amnesty .This was duly signed .However,on the drinks front, Nigerian Guinness failed to tempt.
As you can see Lisa was in her element trying outfits on . Nothing was 'Miss Vixen mode',(2nd row 3rd from left proves my point) The closest Ms V came was a leather mask ! Rather spooky if somewhat kinky .The little wooden tortoise were a gift from a stall holder. All in all,we had a great time . From there to a super restaurant , just missing being caught in the mother of all storms .


Anonymous said...

Good to see you enjoying yourself and taking in the sights. Watching from afar, Mr M

miss_vixen said...

Ah, Mr M I always enjoy myself ...
We have but one life so--- let live be our motto lol