Saturday, April 21, 2007

Message for Tony Blair

Yes this is yours truly, Miss Vixen, over four years ago holding a rather simple message . Sentiments shared by many , now virtually all. Yet still this man clings to power ensuring his tainted values touch as much as possible .
Now it seems more than likely his aids are to be charged with corrupt dealings . Oh who needs outside regimes with this mob ?
Plus he has broken his word on a referendum ( hardly surprising ) regarding the EU constitution a British public do not want .
This on top of selling UK out to USA by allowing Trident missiles to be stationed on our soil . Oh was ever Britain so cursed ?
To justify his latest dirt , Bliar , ( yes best name for him ) says he had to risk being accused of "selling out "as like all British Premiers he had to choose between being guilty of isolationist policies or treason . Why ... his isolationist stance against Europe when going along with a Pack of Lies Bush never worried him .
Like a typical dictator he ignores the wishes and views of the public . I ask you all to be so good as to drop him a line saying .
" Good bye Tony , goodbye Tony , goodbye Tony it's time for you to go ! "

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hallo "little" demonstrator. axeodrunk1