Wednesday, December 25, 2013

A Christmas Reality Check

Among all the lights and over indulgence ( which we regret come the New Year ) are many who are without . Minus family ,a place to live or work. Some may have chosen  this style, many haven't.                 The financial crash of some years back is still with us taking it's toll.   Recently in Copenhagen I noted how the undergrounds lacked seating .
Here in Berlin the BVG provide such and last night as I made my way home I came across some who found it akin to the Ritz. I've no idea who these people are but I pray for better times in their lives.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Rejoice ,Rejoice. Again Let Us Rejoice

On Saturday/ Sunday the 21st -22nd December the winter solstice was celebrated .
It marks the onset of winter with the shortest day and I always get a buzz from this festival . It really is a time for celebration and rejoicing ...Why ?
a) the fourth Advent  b) nearer still to a New Year c) each day after these dates is a tiny bit longer in terms of daylight. Now if this isn't cause for celebration I don't know what is. An enjoyable weekend was had :- two new snow domes, a marvellous jazz brunch and much more.Take note each day of the daylight and rejoice .

Monday, December 02, 2013

First Advent in Berlin

Just a savour of the first Sunday in Advent when drizzle and grey skies failed to dampen festive spirits. Early next week I'll post a second Advent Sunday video  which will could have a different look to it.... Meanwhile a happy week to all .