Sunday, April 19, 2009

A Berlin Jazz Brunch with Acki Hoffmann.

From first waking until this present moment ,it's been a great day .
When you have perfect weather, fantastic music , superb food , terrific company , not to mention you're alive and well are really 'rich'.
In the heart of Berlin behind the Reichstag are the ARD studios and the Die Eins bar/restaurant. One word sums this place up , fabulous. Performing there today ,Acki Hoffmann and Friends , once again let's hear it for fabulous .Here's a clip of them playing 'Take Five'

Then the thrill of my day. Knowing I had rewritten lyrics for the song 'Slow Boat to China ' ,they had me up to sing along . So ok as a singer I don't merit the fabulous tag , but the experience did . Thank you Acki and all who went along with this .

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