Sunday, May 13, 2007

Miss Vixen Predicts .......

It is a truth universally acknowledged that those born on 10th July and in a Cinema, are given magical insights. My rather out of the ordinary 'entry' , due to a comedy ( it caused my mother to laugh too much ) seems to have also given me a talent to spot the unpleasant. The latest of which being .. who else but Blair .
Reader, much as I would love to think that in a few weeks we will hear no more of this specimen , my powers tell me that even worse is to come .
Question 1/ Why is Blair waiting until the end of June ?
Question 2/ Why did Blair have a 1 to 1 meeting with that most unfeminine of women Angela Merkel?
Question 3/ Why did Blair suddenly refuse the British public a promised referendum on the European Constitution ?
Quite simply I believe a deal has been done between Merkel and Blair . In her revamped version there is a place for a permanent President .
You don't actually need to be Einstein or gifted with insight to fathom the rest .
Blair may at last be stepping down from his ghastly control of UK ,only to resume an even mightier dictatorship in Brussels .All expenses paid and no taxes .
Sovereignty will be gone but hey ,so what King Tony is in .. just as he has always wished . Read the following headline seen today . The use of the word reign says it all:-

"Tony Blair's reign as Labour leader will end on June 24"

A promise is a promise and must be kept . The public need, as never before,to insist on this or Tony Blair will continue to lie , cheat , and prosper at our expense .
To use those famous words....YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU : Insist on the referendum.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

As Blair goes another prat steps into his shoes,keep up the good work Miss Vixen and give them all what they deserve. Looking from afar always,Mr M

miss_vixen said...

Be fair Mr M , Brown is a Saint in comparison !